Grassroots marketing campaigns are becoming more popular and brands from mom and pops to fortune 100's are all using Grassroots marketing techniques. No matter the scale of business and campaign, every marketing effort should offers some takeaways/ learning that you as a CMO or Marketing Manager can use in efforts moving forward. Grassroots marketing campaigns are no different, there are numerous takeaways from a grassroots marketing campaign but 3 of those remain constant and should definitely be part of any enlightenment that takes place during a grassroots campaign. You should get really good insight into what your best customers are thinking there wants/needs. Whether it's to a Brick and Mortar or virtual location with a grassroots marketing campaign you should be able to find out what really drives traffic. Another takeaway you should be looking for is other grassroots tactics to engage your target demo.
Chicken Wings, The Circus And a Perfect Grassroots Campaign
Grassroots engagement often involve a lot what we like to call "Hand to Hand Combat". You're running into your target customer a lot and engaging them often a one on one experience or at least experience where your target is getting individualized attention. In that capacity if your truly hitting the mark those members of your audience will let you know about there experience with your product and service, likes and dislikes what really make them tick. That insight is priceless and can create a baseline for which all marketing efforts are guided by moving forward. It takes the guessing assuming or projecting onto the target demo instead your receiving directions straight from the horses mouth.

As an extension of the first lesson learned the 2nd insight from a grassroots marketing campaign is learning what really drives traffic. Over the course of these hand to hand combats what was consistent? What were the reason(s) that you heard over and over again as to why your product or service was chosen? Why did they come into the store, visit your site, called a dedicated sales line. Key in to those important lessons, repeat and scale for continued increase traffic.
Have you ever heard the Saying "One good Idea begets other good ideas"? Probably not because I just made that up while writing this piece. But the great news is that it's absolutely true and often times you'll see this phenomenon play itself while executing a campaign. Going through the motions of executing and being in the moment along with feedback from your target group will spawn other campaign ideas . The great part about these new ideas is that often times they're more efficient and fine tuned than the original idea. Why? Because you've established those baselines we mentioned earlier and have those in mind when developing these new concepts. You know your metrics, your audience, and your desired outcomes and any marketer will tell you that's a great position to be in when putting together a campaign.
As Grassroots becomes more prevalent and mainstream, it's important to focus on the lessons learned form each effort and these may vary. The constants should always be getting inside the mind of your customer, finding ways to drive traffic, and being inspired or even flat out told by your audience what other grassroots efforts the brand should be engaging in. What have you learned from Grassroots campaigns you've run in the past? Please share with us in the comment section below we really enjoy your feedback.