As the Hispanic population grows, brands are finding it imperative to target the population in a direct and unique way and on a personal level. They've realized specialist in this key growing demo are needed and Turning to a Hispanic marketing agency is often a key step. This process of choosing a Hispanic marketing agency can seem daunting if your experience is in dealing with and contracting general market agencies what are the things you should look for and consider. You want to look into the agencies track record, are they independent or part of a bigger group/conglomerate, what are their metric sources and research practices like, do they have multi-generational accounts and creatives across different nationalities and are they really run by Hispanics.
Metrics and Approach to Research
Measurement parameters and sources of information are key to any marketing campaign, but when planning for Hispanics in particular they're of paramount importance. One needs to be diligent in digging into the type of metrics your agency is considering for measuring ROI, and media selections. Hispanic populations are the most diverse in the nation. Deep research is needed into the intricacies and differences on a micro level within the population. Just because the message is in Spanish doesn't mean it will resonate. Values range across the spectrum and the research is going to reveal ways to connect on a meaningful level across the board.
Use Influencers in Your Hispanic Marketing
Track Record
You may have one chance to introduce your brand to the Hispanic Market and of course innovation is important to any campaign but stability is as well. One of the ways to provide the stability that a campaign needs to succeed is choosing a Hispanic marketing agency within a track record. We're not advocating cookie cutter ideas or emulating another brands plan, but an agency who's proven they have the know how to actually put together a successful marketing strategy to reach Hispanics in a meaningful way is probably your best bet. Talk to current/former clients and dive into case studies from the agency to key into their level of expertise. No one wants to be a guinea pig!
Being part of a larger agency or conglomerate definitely has its advantages, access to what can seem like unlimited resources attractive and seems like an easy path to success, but when targeting a Hispanic demo can be to your detriment. Independent agencies can attack a project more vigorously and will be afforded the freedom to do so. Especially if this is your initial intro to market you want to know you have your agencies full attention and not relegated to the back burner only to be paid attention to after the general market work is done. And beware of Trojan Horses! General market agencies who for the purposes of winning pieces of the business geared towards a Hispanic audience quickly throw on a veil by way of token employees invisible/advantageous positions, or opening a division or sub-agency focused on the Hispanic audience.

Multi-generational Accounts and Creatives
As eluded to before the spectrum within the Hispanic community is vast and long reaching. Far from being a monolith Multi-generational and nationalistic differences are the rule rather than the exception. If this rule is represented by the team of your Hispanic Marketing Agency you'll ensure that your message resonates, whether your target is a specific heritage/nationality, first generation vs second and third generation or some combination of both. Even when your main target is a "minority" diversity within that group is important.
Hispanic Roots
This may go without saying but make sure your Hispanic Marketing Agency is actually founded and run by Hispanics. As eluded to in the paragraph on independence there's a lot of agencies who will claim to have a specialty in Hispanic marketing, this is very different from being an Agency founded and run by Hispanics who have a stake in success and skin in the game. If possible do some discovery on the founding of the agency and it's current executive team to make sure they're genuine.
Hispanic Roots, Multi-generational staff, Independence, a track record and advanced metrics/research are some of the key considerations when choosing an agency. Of course, there others but this is a good bass-line to begin your search. What are things you may consider when choosing an agency please share with us in the comments below we look forward to your feedback.